Flash Fiction Trots Forward

February 24, 2025

Last year’s popular FLASH FICTION additions to our DWAA blog were so popular that we are asking for more!  Flash (very short) fiction is a popular genre, known for the ability to tell a STORY with a true beginning, middle, and end in just a few short words or paragraphs. A famous example from Hemmingway: “For sale.  Baby shoes.  Never worn.”

This is a great way to get your fiction published for both your résumé and as a piece to enter in next year’s writing contest. Entries can be any length but must be a firm 200 words max.  You may include a photo, but the WORDS, not the photo, must tell the story.  For legal purposes, all photos MUST have credits.

At the top of your story, put down your name with titles, email and phone for the editor’s use only.  At the bottom of your story, put down any contact information you wish for the public.

Here is an excellent example from a 2024 FLASH FICTION story entitled EMMY by Pam Kadlec.

Emmy.  Six years old, six different trainers, Emmy got her wish.  A place on the sofa, not the dove field.  Ever happy, tail wagging, no birds, just biscuits. 
Send Flash Fiction entries to Anne Marie Duquette at [email protected].  Please put FLASH FICTION in the title of your email or it will not be opened.
Email Anne Marie
