Choir Practice

August 27, 2024
By Marsha M. Pugh
Featured image for “Choir Practice”

“We need to get started!”  Swan announces to the group.  “Let’s make it loud and live!” she demands.

Her daughters, son and granddaughters all line up, tails wagging; sure their voices will make their singing perfect.

One by one, they lift their voices to the sky until their voices reach the ceiling.

“Little, you have a squeaky, mousey voice, so you need to project your voice the furthest.   You stand in front.”

Little tries to move up, but her sister, Biggy, growls and snaps, “I need to be in front.”

“No, I am in front,” Roger states and pushes his way forward.

“What about me?”

“And me?” ask Rosie and Birdie.

Swan curls her lip and snarls at them.  They all stop jostling for position and tails lowered, follow their mother’s directions.

“Okay, now we are ready… one, two, three, let’s hear you as loud as you can be.”

“Roo, roo, roo!”

Six Italian greyhounds raise their heads, noses together, and sing to the top of their lungs.  They break off one by one when they hear their humans are finally awake, their feet have hit the floor and they are ready to fix a hearty doggie breakfast
