Goodbye Mr. Neville

September 3, 2024
By James Colasanti, Jr.
Featured image for “Goodbye Mr. Neville”

LOVE is the bark heard on the other side of the door when you put in the key, and now, my door has gone silent.

I lost my best friend in the whole world today, and I am devastated. Another piece of my heart has been stolen by this little guy with four paws.

He was with me for 19 years, always wanting to be at my side, and always wanting to be in the same room in which I resided.

He was my buddy, my companion. I took care of him, and he took care of me. I miss him dearly.

He was my reason for getting up every morning, and now that reason is gone.

The good lord took my dog, Mr. Neville, to the Rainbow Bridge to be with Sam and all the other dogs and cats we rescued over the years.

Godspeed, my faithful friend, and save me a place.

