Interview with Lisa Kruysman – Author and Artist

July 29, 2024
By Anne Marie Duquette
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Special Award Sponsor with the Manette Begin-Loudon Memorial Award in the 2023 DWAA Writers Contest

Thank you for your sponsorship, which is very special to DWAA members.   Please describe for us the qualifications which must be met to be considered for your award. 

The Manette-Begin-Loudon Award is presented to the writer/producer of a work that promotes awareness of the challenges faced by those who advocate for dogs included in the “Bully Breed” category, encompassing, but not limited to, topics centered on Breed Specific Legislation (BSL), Dog Fighting Rings and breed discrimination in general.

What prompted you to offer this award to other writers?  Was there a special dog or circumstance that sparked its birth?

Several years ago, my late sister, Manette, and her son Zachary, now also deceased, set out to rescue a pit bull they named Styles from a local animal shelter. As most of us know, bully breeds are often the most difficult to place in good homes.

I admired the way Manette, Zac and her husband David went about making sure the dog they selected would be a good match for their home and lifestyle so that a successful and permanent bond would be created. I thought it set a good example of how families should embrace the adoption process. Styles lived a long and well-loved life.

I thank all who entered, and congratulate all the Finalists and Risë VanFleet, PhD, for the winning entry, Animals Are So Easily Misunderstood… The Importance Of Empathic Understanding

View the Winning Entry

Why do you think the focus of your award is so important?

So-called bully breeds often get a bad rap in the public-eye. I think education is the key to helping those who rescue them and accept them as pets. 

Have there been many entrants for your special award? Does this topic strike a special chord with others?  Is its topic obscure, well known, or does it just need more awareness? 

It is often a difficult topic. With so many news items about dog attacks and the bad reputation many bully breeds have, I think some writers might shy away from this topic, but I thank those who use this opportunity to educate the public. 

Have you furthered your cause in other ways your award with the public—those outside of DWAA?  Or do you feel the wide scope of DWAA is a perfect fit?

As the administrator for the National Dog Week Facebook Page, I’ve tried to educate a wider audience to the current need for good homes for all breeds. In late 2023, I relocated to a rural lake region of Central Florida. Putnam is one of the largest counties in area and is one of the lowest-income counties of this large state.

I became involved with the Animal Welfare League of Putnam County, a growing group of advocates that are addressing the specific issues that are affecting the area: Promoting Spay and Neutering initiatives, increasing pet food and supply sources, reducing stray and roaming dogs, and improving shelter and transport opportunities for a never-ending influx of dogs and puppies. I’m helping them with Community Outreach and their recently launched Facebook Page to assist with their mission. I’m so impressed at what they are now accomplishing. 

How big a part have dogs played in your personal and professional life?

I never cease to be amazed by how the presence of dogs can enhance lives. When my husband passed in October 2021, I rescued a puppy being fostered in San Diego, CA just seven weeks after. There’s a story there which is featured in a memoir that I’m currently writing. Quint was there for me in ways humans could not. Spending time on sites for widows, I understand why so many of them seek companionship from their dogs in their time of grief and loneliness.

What is the driving force that sparks your work with canines?

I began my own writing career about fifteen years ago after learning about an observance known as National Dog Week and subsequently writing the biography of its founder, Captain Wm. Lewis Judy, who also co-founded the DWAA in 1935.

Captain Judy, a WWI veteran, trained for the ministry in his small Pennsylvania village, opted instead to travel the world and become a pioneer in the dog industry and publishing world. His spiritual approach to writing, and his embracing of the emotional lives of dogs has continually buoyed me, inspiring me to keep writing through challenging times.

What ongoing or future canine projects do you have planned?

The afore mentioned memoir is an exciting project for me at present. I will be out on the submission quest soon and I’m hopeful for its future!  I’m also sponsoring a new Special Award for this year’s competition in honor of my parents who both passed recently. I’m looking forward to sharing more about this when it is officially announced.   

What would you recommend to those who wish to apply for your award in next year’s contest? 

As someone who’s been nominated for, and has received Maxwell Medallions and a Special Award, I always try to seek a new perspective on an evergreen topic, and to write in a way that is accessible for a broad audience. That is what I would advise for all writers.

To conclude this interview, what thoughts from the heart would you like to share?

I truly appreciate the hard work of those individuals that put together the Writing Competition each year and are always on the lookout for ways to increase both membership and the benefits we can offer our members. I am honored to serve as Board Member for the DWAA and manager of their Facebook Pages.

I thank Anne Marie Duquette for taking time to present and congratulate the winners and sponsors of last year’s competition, a special feature that will be available exclusively for our members for this year’s competition. As the widow of a Navy Corpsman of the Vietnam era, I also thank you for your own Military Service.

If you are not a member of DWAA, I encourage you to apply for membership and join this special circle of dog-writing comrades.

Thank you for sharing with us, and congratulations again on your win.

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