

Judging the Writing Competition

Each year, DWAA relies on an independent panel of volunteers to judge the competition entries.

Thank you to the judges for volunteering your time, support, and talents to make this year’s competition a success. We appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedules to volunteer as judges. Without each of you, there would be no writing competition.

This is a great opportunity for writers to showcase their talents and for others to discover what is being created. This develops confidence in both members and non-members to take their journey further while rewarding a job well done.

We are honored and grateful to each of you. Those interested in being a judge for the 2024 competition can sign up here:

Sign Up to Judge
President’s Note: Special thanks and gratitude to Merrie Meyers for taking on the challenge and task of overseeing and managing the writing competition.

Judging Criteria

Curious how the judges will be scoring entries?

view the judging criteria here:

Many thanks to the following contest judges for volunteering their time and expertise on behalf of the 2024 entrants:

Beth Ann Amico
Skye Anderson
Teoti Anderson
Dawn Antoniak-Mitchell
Mary Fish Arango
Judith Ayn
Therese M. Backowski
Emelise Baughman
Pat Baughman
Lisa Begin-Kruysman
Sandy Bergstrom Mesmer
Pilley Bianchi
Charles A. Bickerstaff Jr., MD
Bud Boccone
Mara Bovsun
MaryGrace Buckwalter
Christy Burbidge
Christine Caplan
Angela Capodanno
Heidi Cole
Sonja Donaldson
Alethea Evans
Anne Marie Farage-Smith
DiAnn Flory
Dorothy Fry
Hailey Gillotti
Lynn Goswick
Kathi Graham
Dr. Jeff Grognet
Roo Grubis
Dean Handley
Karen Harbert
Mindy Hardwick
Bonnie Harris
Susan Hartzler
Reagan Healea
Debbie Henry
Patricia Herb
Elizabeth Hess
Suzanne L. Hively
Michael Hoffman
Lorraine H. Houston
Mike Howson
Susan Hurrell
Pamela O. Kadlec

Sharon Kirby
Cathy Kirk
Susan J. Kroupa
Andrea Kuska
Debra Lampert Rudman
Carmen Leal
Elizabeth Lopez
Susan Luck
Cathy Madson
Joyce Magee
Barbara E. Magera, MD
Chelle Martin
Maggie Marton
Rebecca McGuire
Debby McMullen, CDBC
Susan Metzger
Merrie Meyers
Arden Moore
Giselle Nevada
Cynthia Ojczyk
Melissa Olund
Laura Overmyer
Sassafras Patterdale
Paula Piatt
Marsha M. Pugh
Dusty Rainbolt
Jen Reeder
Lyn Richards Pawlowski
Sherry Roberts
Jill Schilp
Angela Schneider
Mary Schwager
Chris Sertzel
Amy Shojai
Allan Siegel
Karin Spicer
Judith Tabler
Sherri Telenko
Amy Tokic
Dianne Turner
Elaine Waldorf Gewirtz
Barbara Waters
Cathy Weselby
Dorothy Wills-Raftery
Chris Zink