Young Writers on the Web

Young Writers on the Web

DWAA is excited to encourage the next generation of writers with a new program called Young Writers on the Web. Writers who are under 18 years old are encouraged to submit stories about dogs for possible publication on a special section of the DWAA website, and potentially in our newsletter Ruff Drafts as space allows.

We’re thrilled that experienced members have volunteered their time to edit submissions and work with young writers to help polish them for publication. The chance to work with professionals is a fantastic opportunity for budding writers!

Articles published by the program will be eligible as entries for DWAA’s annual writing competition. This is great news since Ted Slupik, a prolific author, sponsors a special award just for writers under 18 years old!

It’s a wonderful chance to receive recognition and win $400!

Read Articles from Young Writers

DWAA Junior Writer Award

This award is to recognize and encourage young writers who exhibit talent, resourcefulness, dedication and integrity in their writing about dogs and dog-related topics. Award: Cash grant, DWAA Maxwell Medallion and lapel pin.

But before you can win an award, you need to get writing!

Please email fiction or nonfiction stories of less than 1000 words to Karen Harbert.

Topics can include:

  • What you love about your dog
  • A funny or special experience you had with a dog
  • Your favorite thing to do with your dog
  • Training your dog
  • How to ____ with a dog
  • A make-believe short story about dogs
  • Why your family gave your dog his/her name
  • Advice for someone who is thinking about getting their first dog
  • Funny things dogs do
Please email fiction or nonfiction stories of less than 1000 words to Karen Harbert. 


If you have any questions about Young Writers on the Web, please contact:

Karen Harbert

Young Writers Co-Chair