Official DWAA 2019 Writing Competition Judges

October 20, 2019
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The annual Dog Writers Association of America writing competition is open to all writers, editors, publishers, photographers, artists, and others whose work falls into the designated competition categories.

The 2019 writing competition is closed and finalists will be announced on Monday, December 2, 2019, right here on the DWAA official website. Winners will be revealed at the annual banquet and awards on Sunday, February 9, 2020. A limited number of tickets are available and can be purchased here.

DWAA event

Each year, DWAA relies on an independent panel of volunteers to judge the entries. We had a record number of entries this year, and our judges rose to the challenge.

Thank you for volunteering your time, support, and talents to make this year’s competition a success. We appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedules to volunteer as judges. Without each of you, there would be no writing competition.

This is a great opportunity for writers to showcase their talents and for others to discover what is being created. This develops confidence in both members and non-members to take their journey further while rewarding a job well done.

We are honored and grateful to each of you. Special thanks and gratitude to DWAA’s Contest and Banquet Chair, Darlene Bryant, for taking on the challenge and task of overseeing and managing the writing competition.

Darlene and Dexter

Official DWAA 2019 Writing Competition Judges

Adria Henderson

Aimee Gertsch

Amy Hempe

Amy Tokic

Angie Salisbury

Arden Moore

Babette Haggerty

Barbara Magera MD

Bernadette Kazmarski

Beth Patterson

Brian Patrick Duggan

Cara Sue Achterberg

Carleen Coulter

Carol Bryant

Caroline Coile

Cathy Weselby

Christena Stephens

Christina Potter

Christine Booras

Christy Caplan

Christy Powers

Corally Burmaster

Cori Solomon

Dawn Miklich

Debi Lampert-Rudman

Deborah Wood

Demi Vitkute

Denise Fleck

Duncan MacVean

Elaine Gewirtz

Elizabeth Keene

Emelise Baughman

Emma Kesler

Florence Scarinci

Hilary Lane

Jen Reeder

Jerry Thornton

Jill Caren

Jill Lopez

Joanne Anderson

Jodi Stone

June Greig

Kate Kuligowski

Kelsie McKenzie

Kim Thornton

Kristin Avery

Laurie Williams

Lea-Ann Germinder

Linda Saraco

Lisa Begin-Kruysman

Lisa Bregant

Maggie Marton

Mara Bovsun

Marilyn Miller

Marilyn Singer

Marsha Pugh

Mary Abram

Mary Abram

Mary Burch

Mary Fish-Arango

Matty Margolis

Melissa Kauffman

Melissa McMath Hatfield

Merrie Meyers

Michele Wojciechowski

Pamela Dennison

Pamela Kadlec

Patricia Stephens

Peri Norman

Rachel Sheppard

Ranny Green

Sandy Mesmer

Sarah Ferrell

Shelley Bueche

Sherry Warshauer

Skye Anderson                                       

Steve Dale

Su Ewing

Sue Bobeck

Susan Bulanda

Susan Luck

Susan Metzger

Susan Willett

Susan Wilson

Teoti Anderson

Teresa Rhyne

Therese Backowski

Tilly Grassa

Tracy Ahrens

Virginia Norman
